3rd Party Insurance

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Active Member
Our bikes are covered for theft on the house insurance but I'd like to get covered in case I manage to run in to someone's car for instance. I've found threads regarding general bike insurance but can't find anything about third party and public liability insurance.
Any advice would be most welcome.


Your best bet is the British Cycling website they offer decent insurance for £24 a year I think..?


N Ireland
Your house insurance 'Contents' section should have a 'Personal Liability' cover that will deal with this, subject to exclusions such as racing, TTs etc. Check with your policy/broker/insurer - or all three!


I went with British Cycling, there might still be a discount code to get it for £12 a year, plus you get a few perks for membership too.

http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/common/voucher/print.aspx?voucher=britishcycling Google found it quick :smile:

I was a member of BC but last year didn't renew as I went with London Cycling Campaign. To be honest it is only the insurance and legal advice I am interested in. Seeing the membership discount code I thought what the hell, my LCC is up for for renewal so BC's £12 is better than LCC's £17. No chance. Even though I haven't been with BC for over a year they wont accept me as a new member so no discount. So, stuff 'em, I will stay with LCC.


Senior Member
Tried the discount code for British Cycling but it says it's out of date, despite the voucher saying valid till Dec 2013...


Senior Member
I went with British Cycling too. It's almost paid for itself with the 12% discount you get on wiggle (though this is only applicable to things that aren't already marked down by more than 12%).


Well-Known Member
CTC for me. not only for third party insurance but if you should be unfortunate enough to have an accident that is not your fault, their legal dept will fight your case. Did so for my brother after a car pulled out on him, putting him through the windscreen.
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