I tried to adjust my 3speed sturmey archer gears as there appeared to be only 2 gears. I checked the indicator chain, backed off the adjuster a little and tightened the lockout. Problem is I seem to have worsened the problem and even though I attempted to reverse my adjustments I have only 3rd gear or jammed. If I try to set off like this if appears jammed the chain comes off, however if I can get some freewheel speed going I can then add pedalling and keep this going, but am unable to change any gears. I'm thinking of dismantling the whole thing but would welcome some wise words first. ThanX a mil.
Not clear on what the question is, regards the AW GEAR, they are near enough bullet proof, they can suffer water ingress and the internals go rusty,but that is gross negligence.
Unless you know what you are doing ,DO NOT strip down, if you want to adjust the gears, you need to undo the cable barrel adjuster , remove the indicator rod, then screw it back in again, slack off Quarter turn, select gear 2 ( normal gear) on the trigger, wind in the barrel on the rear axle, untill you can see the shoulder of the indicator rod /chain through the hole in the nut, the shoulder should line up with the end of the axle, nip up the locknut, then it should be perfectly adjusted.
This is normally all you need do with the SA 3 spd, it's fairly critical you get this right ,as either wise it could strip the internals or slip gears, if you ever get problems like that put it into top gear or remove, the indicator rod then you probably get home.
People have written about putting oil into the gear, which you shouldn't need to do, as there is a special grease SA use, it looks like luminous green snot, that's the only lube you need, and unless you know how to dismantle, you should leave to a SA dealer.
Otherwise they are generally problem free.