. The chart baffles me not clued up on this type of data !
all the chart is saying that to maintain same pedal speed, you need to pedal faster on sorter cranks, or pedal slower using longer ones.
imagine 3 cars driving at 30 mph on a 3 lane roundabout - the lanes represent crank length.
as they are all going same speed, 30 mph, the car in the inner lane makes more laps, in say, a minute than the other two, likewise the car in the middle lane makes more laps than the one in the outer lane. laps per minute equate to rpm.
now back to bike. on the road there will be a pedalling rate (cadence) that is optimum for power output for any given cyclist - tall and heavily built cyclists (sprinters)will have a lower cadence than smaller and or spindly built cyclist (climbers). this is for two reason - for the same power output, the heavier cyclist can get that at lower rpm plus being heavier, they are not going to be able to move their legs as faster as a lighter legged cyclists. there is more to it thant that but that is the gist of it.