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West Kent
When people ask me how I can keep doing 40 mile round trips throughout the year no matter how cold and wet it is, I remind them that a travelcard to cover where I live to where I work would cost me £2200 or thereabouts. Therefore, for every year I cycle I can afford a business class return to San Francisco and still have change for the cable cars when I get there. This seems to put it in perspective for most people!

Stephen C

Über Member
My annual bus fare would be £1020, that's all the motivation I need to commute through the winter by bike! :boxing:

Deleted member 35268

Wow, that is awesome.

I am going to calculate my savings too!


Legendary Member
I reckon I am probably hundreds down since I started cyclng...all those bikes and kit! I save £9.60 in fares if I ride in to London (and it takes the same time), but offset some of that with my 'reward' skinny latte and pain au raisin :whistle:

Unfortunately, I don't think my boss approves after a couple of accidents (one 3 weeks after I started) even though the big one wasn't my fault and the other was a 50/50 (albeit little with no real damage done to me) so I don't do it too often (that said I work from home 2-3 days a week and tend to have a ride at some point if weather fine). I have pointed out that walking and cars are not risk free but do have to respect her point of view given my 'history' in the 7 or so months since I joined!

Deleted member 35268

I've saved £235.63 Since January, so about £450 a year.


West Kent
My total savings since I started cycling to work in 2007... Probably around £12'000. Where's that money now? If only I knew!
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