
  1. Accy cyclist

    Bus pass discrimination

    Just looked it up. In London,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland you can claim a 'free' bus pass when you reach 60. In England(except London) you have to wait till the women's state pension age,which is 66 and due to rise even higher. Can someone explain to me why this blatant discrimination is...
  2. Venod

    Shocking sight on the bus

    What a shock, doesn't she know you are not allowed to touch your face.
  3. skudupnorth

    New family bus

    After 11 years of bliss with our first VW Touran we finally had to let it go after it failed it’s MOT badly ( mainly electrical) One week later and we are now the proud owners of a newer Touran and still car finance dept free.
  4. biggs682

    Bus stops / shelter's and your bike

    Another reason for stopping and taking a picture . The bike is my Dunelt fixed wheel and the bus stop / shelter is in Orlingbury .
  5. Arjimlad

    Bristol First bus close pass - my video featured..

    Some constructive comments on the Post article about my experience. And the usual codswallop whataboutery ! https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/firstbus-warned-police-again-fresh-2152307 Hoping perhaps the bus company may emphasise the danger they pose ? :wacko::sad:
  6. Randombiker9

    What's with bus drivers?

    Why are bus drivers a pain somethimes as to be honest in my area. everytime a bus overtakes it always overtake closely doesn't bother to switch lanes when overtaking. It's happend more then 3 times different buses but same bus company (The last 3 times i did report it to bus company saying they...
  7. Wester

    Cars in bus lanes

    On my commute to and from work in London I have noticed cars travelling in a bus lane but only on Friday Anybody know anymore
  8. vickster

    Good ad on back of bus

    :okay: (Bit slow getting phone out)
  9. Milzy

    Pond life idiot bus lane story

    So on today’s training ride I looped home another way through a city centre. I took a bus lane as it was traffic free thus safer. Sign is mon-fri 0700-1600. Then some smack head is telling me to get out of the bus lane and into the traffic. Some people are so thick, they see a bus lane and think...
  10. Accy cyclist

    Someone on the bus sat in front of me smelt of fags and chip oil

    Yesterday this was. He got on the bus then sat down in front of me. Then i got the wiff! Cigarettes and chips. It was only a 15 minute journey so although i can't hold my breath that long,i breathed through my mouth,covering it slightly with a piece of kitchen towel to keep any bacteria out...
  11. Welsh wheels

    A bus driver today

    I noticed the driver of a bus full of passengers driving past me kept looking down. I looked in his cab as he drove past and saw that he was texting on his phone. Nice to know that he cared about the safety of his passengers!
  12. G

    Miraculous escape when bus hits pedestrian

    This report on BBC shows CCTV footage (not for the easily distressed) of a bus careering onto a pavement and hitting a pedestrian in Gun Street, Reading today. It's violent and shocking but the bit that left me gobsmacked is how the man stands up and continues on his way into the pub he's just...
  13. toffee

    Cyclists Blamed for Bus Crash

    Bus hits wall, driver says he was avoiding cyclists http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/cambridge-news/people-injured-after-bus-leaves-13219382 See part way down
  14. jefmcg

    Bus complaint letter and response

    I wrote: Subject: Complaint of a dangerous close pass of a cyclist, Route 81 towards Slough Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 To: CONTACTUS@TFL.GOV.UK <bus company is United, but their website directs complaints to TFL> On Tuesday 7 March at 4.34 pm, I was cycling west along Bath Rd heading into the...
  15. Pale Rider

    On three mobiles and in a bus lane

    Hopefully something will be done about this selfish, lawless cretin who was filmed by a cyclist driving in a bus lane and using three mobile devices. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3967842/Cyclist-films-driver-using-THREE-mobile-phones-wheel-morning-rush-hour.html
  16. gavroche

    So glad I have free bus pass!

    Today, my wife and I decided to take our grandson, ( 4 years old) on the bus to Llandudno. The journey only takes about 20 minutes so it was a change from the car. On the way back my wife said to me:" Do you know how much this journey would have cost us if we had to pay?" Of course I didn't as...
  17. steve292

    Bus driver barges cyclist out of the way

    http://road.cc/content/news/207350-cyclist-who-fails-hang-back-punished-london-bus-driver I've just seen this on road.cc. Apologies if its already up as a thread. It's unclear to me if the bus actually hit the cyclist, or if the cyclist was already at the junction. either way it's an awful...
  18. RobWard

    60m Bus Drivers Cycle Challenge

    I have decided to do a charity cycle ride and also trying to drag a few other bus drivers along with me to do this challenge. The 555 bus route is just short of 60 miles from Keswick to Lancaster. The cycle ride takes place next year, 24/09/17. If you would like to donate or follow our...
  19. Spinney

    Have you got two hours to spare?

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07r2s1r/all-aboard-the-country-bus BBC cameras on the Dalesman bus route through the Yorkshire Dales. On a sunny day in spring, by the looks of the hedgerows. I haven't watched it myself - keeping it for this evening - this is not the kind of discovery I...
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