Can you cut a U-bolt with a forty quid cordless angle grinder?

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Über Member
SW Leeds
Err..... No

Lost my first bike outside the local town hall. The bike (a Marin full sus) had an large Oxford chain on it. They ignored the chain and cut where there is a link to the end of the chain. Must be the weak spot. As it was outside the Town Hall, must have been quick and professional.

Presume when we chose a securing mechanism, manufacturers will direct us to the positive elements of their products but fail to point out where it might be lacking.

Define large. Also, if they ignored the chain then it wasn't the chain that failed.

Chains are regarded as harder to cut than a D lock of the same thickness as it's harder to immobilise a single link. Not impossible mind but it does make things a little harder for them which is the name of the game. It's all a trade off.
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